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It is interesting to note especially as we move into Spring, that pollen and dust mites are no longer a feature in a passive house. This is a huge factor when deciding how to build your new home - especially if you or a family member falls victim to the ever present allergies that particularly manifest themselves around this time of the year. A Passive House is a healthier house that controls dust and pollen associated with hay fever and other allergies. A Passive House controls humidity, eliminates mould and condensation which is associated with asthma and other respiratory illnesses.
Based on recent research, the ten most common causes of allergies are:
With the specific building requirements that eHaus undertakes during construction, most of these causes are eliminated with the installation of the highly efficient heat recovery unit. This unit cleans and circulates the air in a room providing fresh pollen-free and dust-free air once every three hours and does not release ozone back into the air from the filtration process. This maximises comfort for everyone, especially for those with allergies or respiratory problems.
It is definitely worth investigating if you are considering building and want to eliminate these factors from your living environment forever!