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01. eHaus Hawkes Bay's Showhome win
02. Events for 2021
03. New Vehicle Graphics
04. The Carbon Debate
05. We are celebrating at 99!
06. The Peoples House Collection
07. What’s the perfect temperature – Men verse Woman whey we disagree?
Our newest showhome in Hawkes Bay, built by Sharon and Ian Welch, was officially opened late November. Receiving the Passive House classic standard, this home in Havelock North is a first.
Baden Brown eHaus Director went across to the Bay to cut the ribbon and celebrate with Sharon and Ian who also opened the home for the public to see. The event generated quite a storm with so many people registering to have a look through.
Not only is this home the first certified Passive House for the Hawkes Bay, but it’s also a Multi-Award winner. Taking a Gold in the Master Builds 2020 awards, it also scooped up the Regional Category Winner Award, an award for Lifestyle for Sustainable Excellence and then the coveted Craftsmanship Award. This build is a true reflection of Ian and Sharon’s reputation for excellence. Four awards in one night confirms what we already know about this home – that it’s a star.
Events are back on the calendar and it's been so good to talk to people about Passive House and what eHaus does again. We are finding that kiwis are shifting their thinking and want more from their new build, so the interest in building an eHaus is high.
Open Construction Days – Seeing an eHaus under construction just makes sense to appreciate the detail and mechanics behind these incredible spaces. We have Open Construction Days already planned for 2021 across the country. We post these events on our social media pages and ads in the local papers, so keep an eye out for an event near you and visit the team, chat to our wonderful clients about their build and see first-hand.
We are proud of our eHaus brand and all that it represents. Getting your brand out and about the place is great and there is no better way than on vehicles. We are excited to have some new branding across the fleets of our regional eHaus builders with a local regional feel. Keep an eye out for this new look!
Reducing our Carbon is high on the agenda and rightly so. It's fantastic to know that New Zealand is committed to reducing our carbon emissions. We have crunched the numbers and wanted to share a fun fact with you.
Did you know that an eHaus certified to the Passive House standard uses up to 90% less heating.
So, the average code-built home needs approx. 20kW of heating in the winter - by comparison, an eHaus needs only 2kW. Multiply this by 100 days of heating in the winter and the cost comparison for the standard code-built home equals $600, whereas the eHaus is a mere $60!
Now the fun bit. The carbon emitted depends on the heat source, if it is gas it will be more carbon consumed than electricity. But let’s stick with electricity for this example. Each kW of electricity used equates to 110grams of carbon currently in NZ. So, for yearly heating the standard code built home emits 220kg of carbon compared to just 22Kg in an eHaus. We think that’s pretty cool.
Given it has been a funny old year with so many rules changed, so we decided to make 99 the new 100.
We are so proud to celebrate our 99th eHaus build. It's crazy to think there are 99 New Zealand families whose lives and lifestyles are changed through the choice to build a home using the Passive House principles.
We surprised our 99th clients with flowers to let them know this and talk about their eHaus journey and what they are most looking forward to when their home is finished.
I guess this might raise the question who then will be our 100th build? Well will have to wait and see the answer to that! Keep an eye out on our social channels for a video that captures the moment.
We can’t give away too much here, but a brand-new collection of architecturally designed high performing energy efficient build ready plans are on their way. All to be revealed early 2021 – watch this space...
This fantastic article from Gareth Morris – Multi Comfort Concept Developer tackles the debate about the different indoor temperatures and why men and women disagree.
“Our bodies instinctively want to minimise the effort it takes to adapt our internal temperature, and we generally feel more comfortable if we’re in an environment that suits our thermal preferences and we’re able to control the temperature.
And on top of that, it’s important to have a consistent air temperature throughout a home. If our feet feel colder than our upper body, or we can sense a cool draught coming from somewhere, then that will lead us to feel uncomfortable.
Therefore, when designing and building homes, we must consider how project-specific variables such as location, orientation and building type can influence factors such as radiant temperature, humidity and air velocity – all things which contribute to our thermal comfort.”
From our team to yours we want to say thanks for your support to us over 2020. We often say 'Without you eHaus is just an idea', we truly can't do what we do without you!
Happy Summer, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone