Want a home that outperforms the rest? Join our free webinar at 7-8pm on 23 Jan to find out how. Register here.
We have no doubt that you've made the most of your days off, lounging in your favourite place with a good book, or for the active relaxers, seeking daily adventure. However you do holidays, we hope you're feeling recharged and ready for another new decade and brand new year ahead.
Thank you for your continued support as we continue to redefine the way kiwis live. Having people like you with us on this journey is crucial in gathering the momentum that we need to make a real impact on the New Zealand landscape.
The growth we see, as more and more Passive Houses are being built throughout the country, is what is propelling us into the new decade, and is such an exciting thing to be a part of.
01. Last year was our biggest year yet
02. Mould in homes
03. Our 10th Birthday Winners
04. Double the number of information events planned nationally
05. Homestar Assessor Qualification success
06. Too much carbon
07. Green Credentials - knowing what's in your building products
08. ANZ Healthy Homes
09. Kia Ora Magazine
10. Sales of inefficient light bulbs plummet
We saw huge growth in 2019, with more of an interest in eHaus and what we do, and more new projects started than any other year. To us, this is just proof that us kiwis are now expecting so much more from our new builds. We are excited to see that our nation is also becoming so much more mindful of our environment, sustainable practices and our responsibility to make a difference.
The media spotlight has been shining hot on the need to build healthy homes. It's no news to us at eHaus as we have been building healthy, comfortable high performing homes for over 10 years! But it's so good to see the interest and gathering momentum, knowing the long term positive effects these homes are making on our families for generations to come.
A December headline in the Whanganui Chronicle outlined by region the people in NZ who have mould growing in their home – check it out to see how your region ranked. Because we now have an alternative, it’s something that we no longer need to accept. Mould just can’t grow in an eHaus as the humidity levels and warm fresh filtered air means it can't establish itself.
In the true eHaus spirit, this year we decided to redefine birthdays as we know them, by giving presents away! In December, we presented the major prizes to our 10th birthday winners. A massive congratulations to:
Richard and Philippa Cain – eHaus Euro winners – prize was Certification cost of their eHaus Euro up to the value of $6000
Lani Bishop and Regan Van Der Kley – eHaus Pacific winners – prize was Energy Modelling up to the value of $4000
Congrats also to all of our monthly winners. We gave away free mechanical heat recovery filters each month in exchange for reasons why our clients love living in their eHaus'. Hearing the way our clients have redefined the way they live is what keeps us going, and saw our 10th Birthday Celebration wrap up with a bang.
Our Information Events provide the perfect opportunity for those wanting to find out about the huge benefits of living in an eHaus, along with the nuts and bolts of just how they are designed and constructed. These events have proven so popular, that this year we are doubling the number we do nationally. This means that you have double the chance to attend an event in your region. We have already locked in the dates and will be running adverts in the local papers. To find an event in your area, check out our website for the dates and lock these in your diary as these aren't to be missed!
Open Construction Days
The eHaus difference lies at the very heart of our homes, so we are opening more of our construction sites throughout the year for you to see the mechanics behind these healthy, comfy, high performing homes for yourself.
The dates for these events will align with each project timeline, so stay tuned for information on our website and social channels, and hey if you still like to read the paper, we'll be in there too.
Don’t be disappointed – register to attend when an event is in your area
Our fantastic Maria Rei from the Whanganui Central office has recently qualified to be a Homestar Practitioner. We are stoked to be able to offer this service as part of the eHaus experience, as the demand for Homestar increases. And we're also going to take this opportunity to congratulate Maria for achieving this!
We all know that we need to do more when it comes to lowering our carbon emissions – and our homes are no exception, being a large contributor to the effect. We spotted this article in ‘Newsroom’ where researchers have calculated how much carbon dioxide a typical new three-bedroom home can afford to emit in its lifetime without ruining the planet. Because New Zealanders tend to build unusually big and spaced-apart houses, their emissions exceed the ideal carbon limit which is bad news for us. However, we know that a space built to the Passive House Plus certified standard can be carbon neutral in operation ie the home will generate as much energy as it consumes - now that is a good news story.
Most of us wouldn't smear a body lotion on our skins without checking for any nasties, but what about checking what your home is made up of before you move in? At eHaus, we think it's pretty important to know what’s in our building materials, so we've committed to aligning with suppliers who think the same as us and are dedicated to providing products that are good for you and the environment.
This has set us on a mission to establish the eHaus responsibility matrix based on 7 key indicators
We are proud to have joined with suppliers whose products fall within these indicators. We can't wait to share more information about this, which we will launch on our website.
Watch this space or contact us if you are keen to learn more about what eHaus is doing here
If you are looking for finance, the ANZ Health Home loan package is what you need. They are raising the bar on the building standards and an eHaus, built to the PassivHaus standard, certainly ticks the boxes. You can apply online, or if you have any questions feel free to call the eHaus Central Office to chat about this.
eHaus clocked some serious mileage with Air New Zealand last month. We were in every seat, on every flight in the latest issue of the Kia Ora magazine! Thanks for having us Air New Zealand. Did you see it?
Supermarket sales of energy-hungry incandescent light bulbs have halved since 2015, a trend welcomed by EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority). However, Chief Executive Andrew Caseley says there’s a way to go before all New Zealand homes have switched to energy efficient and climate-friendly LEDs.
“These trends are very encouraging because LEDs save households money and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through reduced energy use. If 100,000 more New Zealanders switched all their household lighting to LEDs, that would prevent 1,669 tonnes of C02 being released into the atmosphere per year – that’s equivalent to roughly 35,000 people not flying from Auckland to Wellington per year.”
EECA’s Gen Less campaign encourages uptake of LEDs as an easy way for New Zealanders to reduce their carbon footprint. Mr Caseley says the message about the benefits of LEDs is getting through but he would like to see households replacing more of their lights with LEDs.