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First Passive House Co-housing Project in New Zealand

In  by andreaAug 13, 2019

Progress on the Dunedin High Street Co-housing Passive House project is moving along with the Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) going up on the second level of some of the High Street units this week.

Flying high over the construction site, the project is really taking shape.

The concrete slab foundation has been poured for three quarters of the Alva Street units.

Dunedin High Street Co-housing passive house construction site
High Street Units on the right, foundations for the Alva Street units at the top, Common House with the black roof - bottom left.

The scaffolding continues to go up around the High Street units as upper levels progress.

Alva Street concrete foundation on the left, High Street units in the background
Dunedin High Street Co-housing Passive House Project proudly built by eHaus
Second level going up on the High Street Units

To follow the progress of the Dunedin High Street Co-housing Passive House project, follow eHaus on Facebook.

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