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Windows are a critical part of every PassivHaus design because they have a direct impact not only on the aesthetics, natural light, and the cost of your new home but the performance.
Next in our designHaus series, we interviewed one of our team of expert Architects and Designers, Sian Taylor, Architect & Certified Passive House Designer from Team Green Architects, on the topic of Passive House Windows and asked her.....
What factors do you need to consider getting that balance right?
“This is the biggest ticket item of the project, and the item which makes the most difference to both the thermal equation and the aesthetics of the project, or signal to all that this is a different sort of house. We look at the energy modelling on each project on a case by case basis, and consider the impact the windows will make, then give the client options, relative to the benefit (both tangible and intangible) that they will receive.”
Here at eHaus the choice of windows is determined by the fit to the climate region, the eHaus performance target (e.g. air tightness, thermal bridges) and the client’s budget.
Read more of the designHaus series.