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Architype - Tim Ross


Architype is an award winning architectural practice specialising in the design of high performance Passive House and low energy residential and community architecture. They have a wealth of experience in designing both private homes and multi-unit passive house projects.

"At Architype we are passionate about working with clients to design Passivhaus buildings which are beautiful inside and out. This means creating projects which are as well resolved technically as they are spatially and aesthetically." "We love working with the Passivhaus standard as this gives us complete confidence around the health, thermal performance and energy efficiency of each build."

Comfortable and low energy buildings can’t be created by bolting on solutions at the end of the design process. They understand properly all the factors that influence almost every key decision in the design process.

"We believe that an understanding of building science and a passion for good design should go hand in hand, and we love to work with clients who are informed and see the value in building better"

eHaus is proud to have partnered with Architype across several projects including the Dunedin co-Housing project - New Zealand's largest co-housing PassivHaus complex



BArch, ANZIA Reg Arch 3269, Certified Passive House Designer

Architype project built by eHaus Waikato

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