eHaus Northland are giving away 2 free concept designs valued up to $10,000 each. Find out more here.
Spurred by the clients love of mid-century modern ideals, Paremata House is a functionally driven response, integrating industry leading ventilation and energy efficient technologies while its strong lines and uncomplicated yet grand form harness and accentuate the sites awe inspiring surrounding.
Seated on what was once the plateau for a farmhouse, Paremata House dissects its elevated site, hauling the expansive views of Porirua Harbour to the north and established native vegetation to the south. The space is designed to be a forever home in which its occupants can live a healthy life through retirement and for family and guests to ebb and flow.
Paremata House is designed to the eHaus Pacific standard, using high-performance walls, large eaves and a deep insulated roof space while retaining a low pitch to match its modern appeal.